Tea Composition Project
The tea composition project consists of using Lipton tea bags; Green and Rooibos tea to be placed in soils and sediments in different aquatic ecosystems. The aim is to decompose the organic substance in the tea bags over certain periods of time to see how carbon has been broken down and released into the atmosphere.
Green tea decomposes at a faster and higher rate compared to rooibos tea.The advantage of using Lipton green and rooibos tea are; it is an easier product to purchase and is already pre-packaged in biodegradable litterbags. This also makes it very cost and time efficient for the project.
The length of the project can vary between 6 months to more than 2 years due to environmental factors. Expanding out the project through different seasons will showcase wider range of results.
You can watch a video of Dr Peter Macreadie, head leader of the blue carbon lab team discussing the project in great detail by clicking the youtube link.
You can take part in this amazing project, just watch out for their next update to join and give a helping hand by clicking on their website link!